MacWorld 1998 September
Macworld (1998-09).dmg
Shareware World
For Developers
Script Tools 1.3.6
Regular Expression Example II
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Text File
100 lines
-- Get the user to locate the params.test file in the Examples directory
set paramFile to choose file with prompt "Select params.good or params.bad" of type "TEXT"
set refNum to open file paramFile for reading
-- Compile the pattern strings we're going to look for
set comment to compile regular expression ".*#.*"
set param1 to compile regular expression "Default Width:[ ]*([0-9]*)"
set param2 to compile regular expression "Default Height:[ ]*([0-9]*)"
set param3 to compile regular expression "Username:[ ]*([A-Za-z0-9]*)"
set param4 to compile regular expression "Username:[ ]*\"(.*)\""
-- Populate parameter variables with default values
set defWidth to 0
set defHeight to 0
set defUsername to "unknown"
-- Read through the file looking for parameters
set paramMatched to true
repeat while paramMatched
-- Read in the next line
set input to read file refNum
-- If the line is not a comment line or a blank line then check to see
-- which parameter is being set
if not matched of (match regular expression comment to input) and length of input ≠ 0 then
set paramMatched to false
-- Default width?
set result to match regular expression param1 to input
if (matched of result) then
set defWidth to match 1 of result
set paramMatched to true
end if
-- Default height?
set result to match regular expression param2 to input
if (matched of result) then
set paramMatched to true
set defHeight to match 1 of result
end if
-- First username form?
set result to match regular expression param3 to input
if (matched of result) then
set paramMatched to true
set defUsername to match 1 of result
end if
-- Second username form?
set result to match regular expression param4 to input
if (matched of result) then
set paramMatched to true
set defUsername to match 1 of result
end if
end if
end repeat
-- If we get here it means the repear look existed because of a bad parameter. Otherwise
-- the error trap woould have cought the end of file.
display dialog "Bad parameter file line: “" & input & "”" ¬
buttons {"Cancel"} ¬
default button "Cancel"
close file refNum
on error
-- Assume EOF
close file refNum
end try
-- Show the parameters as they are now
if paramMatched then ¬
display dialog "Def Width: " & defWidth & ", Def. Height: " & defHeight & ", Username: “" & defUsername & "”" ¬
buttons {"OK"} default button "OK"